Purpose of this blog

This blog is my attempt to change the way I look at events in the world around me. I have found that most of the news headlines I see everyday on my computer almost seem designed to inspire fear or anger or depression or doubt. When I study and ponder the Holy Scriptures, these negative feelings fade away, replaced by feelings of wonder, amazement, peace, joy, love, hope.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Barriers to Happiness

I recently read an article about happiness on WebMD.  The author listed 6 barriers to happiness and I saw in each one a direct correlation to counsel found in the scriptures.  I will comment on each of these in different posts.

1.  Complexity in your life is a barrier to happiness.  I recognized in this a correlation to the commandment that we must have no other Gods before [the one true God].  Other Gods are entities, objects, passions in our lives that capture our affections in such a way that they are not subjected to the power and authority of the one true God.

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