Purpose of this blog

This blog is my attempt to change the way I look at events in the world around me. I have found that most of the news headlines I see everyday on my computer almost seem designed to inspire fear or anger or depression or doubt. When I study and ponder the Holy Scriptures, these negative feelings fade away, replaced by feelings of wonder, amazement, peace, joy, love, hope.

Friday, June 10, 2011

The Parable of the 10 Virgins

10 virgins all invited to the wedding party, all had lamps and oil to last for some time into the night. The bridegroom came in the middle of the night, in the darkness while the world slept, but the wedding party was waiting and heard the call and went out to join him. Five foolish virgins had run out of oil for their lamps. They were not permitted to join the bridegroom at his home with the others. They hoped the bridegroom would be merciful and let them in despite their lack of preparation, but the door was closed, it was too late and mercy was not extended. I believe the parable applies to those who are disciples of Christ. The parable teaches, among other things, that, for those who have received the laws of God and agreed to abide by them those laws, which govern our eternal reunion with God, are binding and we are responsible for obeying them. His mercy is sufficient to enable us to join him when we do our part to qualify to be in His presence. However, all the personal efforts we may make to be qualified will not be enough if we don't have access to his gracious mercy.

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