Blessed be His name. He has suffered my pain and anguish precisely and perfectly, therefore only He can know how I feel. Only He can completely comfort me. I only have to turn to Him in my thoughts, feelings and actions and His power to heal can change me. Like the woman who knew she only had to get close enough to him to touch his robes to be healed of her lifelong affliction, I must cultivate the faith to seek Him out and reach out to Him. This woman shared an interesting characteristic with many who received healing at the Master's hand -- many were outcast from the society of the day, they were most assuredly, the least among men. Nobody likely sought out their counsel or opinion, they didn't hold responsible positions of authority. They were not of the world in which they lived--not noticed by Kings or rulers, but they obtained the Ultimate gift of healing at the hands of the ultimate King.
He is the King of Kings and, while standing before Pilate, he said that His Kingdom is not of this world and to this end (that He may be a King) was He born. Furthermore, Paul taught the Romans that we can become joint heirs with Christ, a joint heir with Him who inherited all that His Father hath as a King. His Kingdom is not of this world so if I am to be part of His kingdom, become a joint heir with Him, and make Him my King, I must not be "of this world" either.

He is the King of Kings and, while standing before Pilate, he said that His Kingdom is not of this world and to this end (that He may be a King) was He born. Furthermore, Paul taught the Romans that we can become joint heirs with Christ, a joint heir with Him who inherited all that His Father hath as a King. His Kingdom is not of this world so if I am to be part of His kingdom, become a joint heir with Him, and make Him my King, I must not be "of this world" either.
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