"When upon life's billows you are tempest-tossed, when you are discouraged, thinking all is lost, count your many blessings, name them one by one, and it will surprise you what the Lord has done."
I see that this hymn addresses two elements of the human condition. Based on my observations, most people people look for some stability in life, some predictable pattern of life. In pursuit of this, many make careful plans for how they want their life to proceed. They take the requisite steps to achieve their goals. This is a proven, successful pattern. This leads to the second basic element of the human condition. There is much about life that is really out of our control. Some of us may have a hard time accepting that fact. We may be so caught up in the careful plans and efforts we've put forth, that when something "unexpected" disrupts the plans and seems to nullify our efforts, we feel lost and discouraged. A proven technique for building courage and hope is to recognize the Lord's blessings in your life. I can make a careful accounting of my assets and I'll discover that my most valuable assets may have been hidden under so many more tangible assets. The Lord looks on the heart, he doesn't see as man sees. King David, the greatest King the nation of Israel had ever known was completely overlooked by man--even his own father, Jesse, didn't consider him when the prophet Samuel came to search for a new King among Jesse's sons.

I see that this hymn addresses two elements of the human condition. Based on my observations, most people people look for some stability in life, some predictable pattern of life. In pursuit of this, many make careful plans for how they want their life to proceed. They take the requisite steps to achieve their goals. This is a proven, successful pattern. This leads to the second basic element of the human condition. There is much about life that is really out of our control. Some of us may have a hard time accepting that fact. We may be so caught up in the careful plans and efforts we've put forth, that when something "unexpected" disrupts the plans and seems to nullify our efforts, we feel lost and discouraged. A proven technique for building courage and hope is to recognize the Lord's blessings in your life. I can make a careful accounting of my assets and I'll discover that my most valuable assets may have been hidden under so many more tangible assets. The Lord looks on the heart, he doesn't see as man sees. King David, the greatest King the nation of Israel had ever known was completely overlooked by man--even his own father, Jesse, didn't consider him when the prophet Samuel came to search for a new King among Jesse's sons.
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