I was thinking about the need to have a Christ-centered marriage, family, life, and faith. I am a hopeless analytical thinker and when it comes to my spiritual life, I have to understand how to put in to real practice, the principles and doctrines taught in the scriptures. I have lived too long simply letting these things float on the surface of my life. Now, my best shot at understanding what it means to be Christ-centered. First, it is instructive to consider the word "center". It can be a noun or a verb.
The element of a system upon which all other elements depend in order to maintain the definition and function of the system. (my own definition)
The point of a body or object upon which the entire mass of the body or object can securely balance. (my own definition)
The point in a body or object about which the body or object may rotate and circumscribe a circle. (my own definition)
A point, pivot, axis, etc., around which anything rotates or revolves: The sun is the center of the solar system. (dictionary.com)
The source of an influence, action, force, etc.: the center of a problem. (dictionary.com)
A point, place, person, etc., upon which interest, emotion, etc., focuses: His family is the center of his life. (dictionary.com)
To collect to or around a center; focus: He centered his novel on the Civil War. (dictionary.com)
To come to a focus; converge; concentrate (fol. by at, about, around, in, or on): The interest of the book centers specifically on the character of the eccentric hero. Political power in the town centers in the position of mayor. (dictionary.com)
As I consider these definitions of "center", I can really begin to see more clearly how to work on making my life Christ-centered. In my marriage, I can examine each element and consider how it relates to Christ and then take steps to strengthen that relationship. For example, one element of my marriage is my children. How do my children relate to Christ? They depend on Him for salvation just like me, therefore I can remember to point them to Him. I can teach them to recognize Him as the source of strength and power. I can teach them how to access and use that power. Another element of my marriage is my relationship with my wife. How is that related to Christ? It is through His power that our relationship is sealed and only by obedience to His commandments that our relationship can flourish and survive for all eternity. I can therefore remember to recognize His authority in my relationship with my wife. I am commanded to love her as He loves the Church.
These are just a few thoughts as I go down this path trying to make the Gospel of Jesus Christ real and active in my life and thereby remain focused on what is real.

The element of a system upon which all other elements depend in order to maintain the definition and function of the system. (my own definition)
The point of a body or object upon which the entire mass of the body or object can securely balance. (my own definition)
The point in a body or object about which the body or object may rotate and circumscribe a circle. (my own definition)
A point, pivot, axis, etc., around which anything rotates or revolves: The sun is the center of the solar system. (dictionary.com)
The source of an influence, action, force, etc.: the center of a problem. (dictionary.com)
A point, place, person, etc., upon which interest, emotion, etc., focuses: His family is the center of his life. (dictionary.com)
To collect to or around a center; focus: He centered his novel on the Civil War. (dictionary.com)
To come to a focus; converge; concentrate (fol. by at, about, around, in, or on): The interest of the book centers specifically on the character of the eccentric hero. Political power in the town centers in the position of mayor. (dictionary.com)
As I consider these definitions of "center", I can really begin to see more clearly how to work on making my life Christ-centered. In my marriage, I can examine each element and consider how it relates to Christ and then take steps to strengthen that relationship. For example, one element of my marriage is my children. How do my children relate to Christ? They depend on Him for salvation just like me, therefore I can remember to point them to Him. I can teach them to recognize Him as the source of strength and power. I can teach them how to access and use that power. Another element of my marriage is my relationship with my wife. How is that related to Christ? It is through His power that our relationship is sealed and only by obedience to His commandments that our relationship can flourish and survive for all eternity. I can therefore remember to recognize His authority in my relationship with my wife. I am commanded to love her as He loves the Church.
These are just a few thoughts as I go down this path trying to make the Gospel of Jesus Christ real and active in my life and thereby remain focused on what is real.
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