I was just thinking this morning about the Lord and wonder at the faith of those who followed him. Even as I consider those whom he called and eventually became the twelve apostles; what was their faith based on? In all respects and standards of their society Jesus was a man of no consequence and I wonder if everyone who believed in him knew about his miraculous birth and the angelic visit to the shepherds. I wonder about his followers' level of understanding of the scriptures and the doctrines of God or the many prophecies about the Messiah. I think about the lepers or the blind, the maim, and the deaf who possibly didn't have access to the scriptures and certainly weren't experts on the law or the prophets, yet they believed he had power to heal them and they were healed and made whole. Did all of them believe that he was the Messiah? Did they know that He was whom they had known as Jehovah -- he was the God of their fathers, he who had given Moses the law, he who had caused the Red Sea to part allowing their fathers to escape the Egyptians? What did they know? Truly, I want to "Ponder anew what the Almighty can do" and reconsider my faith in Him as Jesus the Christ. My faith, born of the witness of the Holy Ghost through study of the scriptures and the teachings of men whom I accept as living prophets and apostles.

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